This anonymous and self-funded study is being carried out by PRIDEA- Pakistan Relief International Disasters and Emergencies Academy, Islamabad. The core purpose of this research is to learn and analyse socio-economic as well as behavioral aspects involving people from all spheres of life, in Pakistan. The study will help understanding the impact of corona-crisis and advocating the major dimensions of immediate needs to Government of Pakistan and its concerned quarters for enhancement of the crisis response, relief, and recovery.
We are an independent non-profit, humanitarian research and response organization, endeavoring to build the resilience of communities to catastrophes. We serve to bring ease in the lives of all, without any discrimination.
Willingness to participate
PRIDEA invites you to take part in this study, voluntarily. If you choose to take part, you reserve the right to exit the survey, at any stage and any time.
Length of the survey
Completing the survey may take an estimated time of 9 minutes.
Should you have any queries or concerns about this survey, you may contact at
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