Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue

Intro Contents of course: Introduction and Importance Introduction to various types of hazards and disasters Tools and equipment Rules of Safety Establishing Base of Operation BoO /EOC Assessment Team formation Task Assignment Communication and coordination Entering in the situation and intervening Search Techniques Stress Management and rotation procedures Debriefing Group exercises Evaluation

Logistics Training

Logistics Training

Handling the logistics always remains a major issue during relief operations. There are two training programs available such as: Warehouse Management & Stock Pilling Drivers Training 1)   Warehouse Management & Stock Pilling Course Contents: Planning Security Management Management of the warehouse Observing the commodities/ goods Safety procedures Expiration / Shelf-Life grading Accessibility Fumigation Record Keeping...

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

Each year fire and effects of fire lead to a substantial loss of life across the world. In this regard the fire safety training must be a statutory requirement. A basic fire safety course aimed at training all business staff, employees and individuals. This course is designed with general fire safety in mind, providing a...

Survival Skills

Survival Skills

The basics of general wilderness survival education are shelter, water, fire and food. Good survival training significantly increases the odds in the traveler’s favor. It’s also a lot of fun and can be a character building experience as well. This is a course that will provide you with the knowledge necessary for having a safe...

Disaster Management

Disaster Management

Disasters – whether caused by climate change, sudden natural events, terrorism or war– often leave the impression that they are unmanageable. This perception, no matter how compelling, is untrue. Risks can be reduced, consequences of disaster can be managed effectively, and recovery can be carried out in a sustainable way. What needed is knowledge on...

Health & Food Hygiene

Health & Food Hygiene

Hygiene can be twice the problem that bad water is, but the problem is easier to solve. Without hygiene instruction, clean water does not have the impact. Besides, the importance of food hygiene can be underlined when one realizes the consequences that can result if you are unaware of safe food preparation and cooking methods. Food...